Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cyber Love

Like a lot of parents of a tween (preteen), my twelve-year-old has a Facebook profile. And, yesterday, she posted a list of her "besties" (for those of you who may not know, this is today's hip term for best friend), and I was on her list! My heart did a little jump at the sight of "Mommy" on her bestie list! I know, it sounds, okay, it is a little pathetic, but if you're a parent of a tween girl, like me, you understand that they can be difficult and not so loving a lot of the time. She's always mad at me for something, it seems, no matter how hard I try, so I'll take any affection from her I can get, even if it's generated from the cyber world...

Sleep Update

My daughter is sleeping much better, still taking Melatonin most nights. On average, she has been getting up only once or twice a week, which is a MAJOR improvement. Additionally, when she does wake up, she is not screaming, crying or scared, just a bit disoriented and goes back to bed without much problem. So, phew...
On the other hand, my, now three-year-old son has taken to getting up in the middle of the night and climbing into bed with us. And, right or wrong, I'm not about to kick him out...just yet. I know, I know, if I let this continue, it may become a pattern, and I will have trouble getting him to sleep in his own bed. I, myself, have warned other parents and my readers of the perils of allowing a pattern of co-sleeping to develop. But, he's my youngest child and my last chance to snuggle before he takes flight, so I'll take my chances.