Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On Writing

I just finished Stephen King's, On Writing, and I must say to any writer, beginning or veteran, this is a must-read. As a rule, I am not a huge fan of Stephen King (though, my mother is). I have read several of his novels, but only really love a few of them. That being said, I read a reveiew about On Writing on one of the writer's websites I visit often and decided to check it out. I was so glad I did. I found the book inspirational and undeniably honest. Stephen King is a straight shooter to a fault and tells a beginning writer, like me, exactly what she needs to know. You learn what things are crucial to becoming a successful writers, and maybe more importanly, what things aren't (even though that might seem to be). The book is a delightful mix of information and memoir. He tells how he "made it" as a writer and you feel those struggles and successes right with him. Read this book!

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