Friday, April 30, 2010

A New Kid, Day 3

For Wednesday, or in my case, Friday, Dr. Lehman asks, "What kind of parenting style do you have? How does your child respond to this parenting style?" The two parenting styles outlined in the book are permissive and authoritarian. Looking at the two styles, I cannot say that I am one or the other. I can see myself in both examples. This can't be good! I must really be sending mixed messages to my kids! Ugh! I know that I need to let my five year old do more things on her own, like pick out her own clothes for school, pour her own juice, and so forth. I also need to be more consistent. And, say what I mean and mean what I say.
As for how my children respond to this style, sometimes they respond well, sometimes they don't. That's the major problem here, I haven't found a style that seems to work all the time, or, at least, most of the time.

Lehman also asks, "How can you adapt your parenting style to be more balanced?" I can respect my children enough to allow them some freedoms and choices. Further, I can stop the yelling, while still sticking to my guns. I need to make sure the punishment fits the crime, so to speak, and that it is swift and consistent each time.

Finally, Lehman asks, "In what ways can you emphasize relationship in your home?" The first thing would be to set aside some more family time that doesn't involve running from one sports practice/game to the next. Another way to emphasize relationship is to model respect and love by the way my husband and I treat it each other and those around us. Also, I need to be sure to talk to my kids, not just ask them questions.

Day Three Outcome:

Today went pretty well. Zoe came home from school in a grumpy attitude, but I didn't let it fly. I told her once not to be unkind to her sister, I walked away and expected her to listen. She did. The girls brought home report cards and I made sure to encourage their efforts and not just praise them for getting good grades. I made sure to point out how their hard work had paid off. I feel pretty good about today.

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