Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Can I just take a moment to tell you about my love/hate relationship with Caliou? If you're the mom of a toddler or preschooler, you know who I'm talking about--that creepy bald-headed kid with his own cartoon that is supposed to be like a storybook, I think, because the weird cat and other animal puppets sometimes show up and talk about it and some granny narrates it, and the scenes look like unfinished drawings. I know, I'm rambling, but, come on! You have to admit, this cartoon is a bit odd. I love it because it keeps my three year old enthralled long enough to fold a load of laundry or load the dishwasher. But, I hate it because I will have the tune of this show in my head all damned day. I will find myself humming it while I mop the floors or belting it out in the shower. It will occupy my brain all day, laying dormant until a quiet moment, then, it will resurface and drive me nuts! Damn that Caliou!


Tee Mama said...

I used to have a love/hate thing with Calliou too!! I always hated it when he would say.."I don't WANT to...:( haha!

Unknown said...

Yeesss! He is a bratty little thing! ha!