Monday, April 25, 2011

Thinking about Homeschooling?

I have been thinking a lot and reading a whole lot about homeschooling. The research supporting the benefits of homeschooling versus conventional schooling is astounding!
So, you homeschooling mamas out there: please give me some feedback..why do you homeschool? Why do you homeschool? What obstacles have you encountered? Is it working? How long do you plan to do it? Etc...


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Power of a Kiss

Tonight, my hubby was exhausted and is still recovering from a flu, so he went to bed super early. When it was time for my three year old to get ready for night-night, he asked if he could pee in my bathroom since his older sister was using theirs (the kid bathroom). So, we went into my bathroom, he peed (yay!). Then, he walked into our bedroom and kissed Daddy on his head while he slept. Then, he whispered to his daddy, "Daddy, I kissed you on your head. Now you can have power that I gave you and your head won't hurt anymore." This melted my heart, of course. And got me thinking, where did he get such an idea? Well, if you know me, you know that I am a migraine sufferer (a migraineur, my doctor would say), and often when I get a bad migraine, my hubby will hold me and plant a kiss on my head. Tommy surely saw him do this on more than one occasion. But, what about the "power" part? Where did he get this idea? Well, we our kids fall and get boo-boos, we kiss them better. When they are scared and they cry, we hug them and kiss them. So, if you think about it, kisses are a source of power and comfort for a child. For us adults, too. Maybe we just don't believe it the power of the kiss as much as we should. Children can teach us so much.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Can I just take a moment to tell you about my love/hate relationship with Caliou? If you're the mom of a toddler or preschooler, you know who I'm talking about--that creepy bald-headed kid with his own cartoon that is supposed to be like a storybook, I think, because the weird cat and other animal puppets sometimes show up and talk about it and some granny narrates it, and the scenes look like unfinished drawings. I know, I'm rambling, but, come on! You have to admit, this cartoon is a bit odd. I love it because it keeps my three year old enthralled long enough to fold a load of laundry or load the dishwasher. But, I hate it because I will have the tune of this show in my head all damned day. I will find myself humming it while I mop the floors or belting it out in the shower. It will occupy my brain all day, laying dormant until a quiet moment, then, it will resurface and drive me nuts! Damn that Caliou!

I promised I wouldn't....

I promised I wouldn't say, er, type the word, pee on this blog again, but here I am... PEE, PEE, PEE! This is what my three year old is doing only not in the gosh darned potty! No, that's not entirely true, he does pee in the potty when I tell him to go in there and try to pee, but if I don't say a peep, he just pees wherever he happens to be standing or sitting. I am ready to pull my hair out! I cannot believe that his being sick and being in diapers during that time has brought him back so far. His attitude now is one where he seems almost delighted to pee in his underwear. If you have any advice out there, Mamas to boys, please let me know. And, please don't tell me Cheerios (or other cereals or round things) for him to aim at. I tried it, it freaked him out, I think.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Three pees forward, and one pee back

Okay, yes, pee is still on my mind (and my carpet and my bedding, and..). It wasn't but a week or so ago that I announced to the world that I had successfully potty trained my headstrong boy, but now... Well, we have had a back slide, so to speak. My little man wound up getting sick with a horrible flu and was down for almost five days! He was in the hospital for two of these five days, and, since, he couldn't get out of bed, we surrendered the undies and put the diapers back on. Well, as you can imagine, this made my little ankle-biter a bit lazy and, even after he was better, he wasn't too keen on the underwear thing. So, I allowed him one more day of diapers. Then, we threw them away and I told my little fella, no more diapers, no more Pull-ups, you are three and it is just not allowed. He relented. So, now, this is day two of underweardom and I am happy to report that we are in our first Spongebob and hoping that things don't get wet down under.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Down Under

Potty talk has been about the only talk going on in this house, and my mind has been absolutely consumed with the workings of my three-year old's digestion. It's sick, I know. But, come on, fellow mothers in the potty-training trenches, back me up here, I cannot be the only with pee and poopy on my mind! Anyway, after playing the Pull-Ups game with my three-year old son for SEVERAL months, I finally reached out to other moms of boys and asked, "How the hell do I potty train this strange creature?!" Girls I can do, I've done, quite easily, and three times, I have to give myself some props here. Okay, I'm done. But this boy being I had no idea what to do with. The resounding answer from my Mom experts was, ditch the pull-ups, make him wear underwear. Yikes! Visions of soiled rugs and loads of laundry swam through my mind. But, I was desperate, so yesterday, I did it. I declared it Underwear Day. My son and I gathered up the diapers and the Pull-Ups and tossed them. He then picked out his Spongebob underwear and pulled them on by himself, agreeing that he is a big boy now! Yea! Well, as the day wore on, we went through another Spongebob, a Lightning McQueen and two Buzz Lightyears, but he did go on the potty several times and stayed dry during his nap. Today is day two and I am happy to report that we are still on our first Buzz Lightyear.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cyber Love

Like a lot of parents of a tween (preteen), my twelve-year-old has a Facebook profile. And, yesterday, she posted a list of her "besties" (for those of you who may not know, this is today's hip term for best friend), and I was on her list! My heart did a little jump at the sight of "Mommy" on her bestie list! I know, it sounds, okay, it is a little pathetic, but if you're a parent of a tween girl, like me, you understand that they can be difficult and not so loving a lot of the time. She's always mad at me for something, it seems, no matter how hard I try, so I'll take any affection from her I can get, even if it's generated from the cyber world...

Sleep Update

My daughter is sleeping much better, still taking Melatonin most nights. On average, she has been getting up only once or twice a week, which is a MAJOR improvement. Additionally, when she does wake up, she is not screaming, crying or scared, just a bit disoriented and goes back to bed without much problem. So, phew...
On the other hand, my, now three-year-old son has taken to getting up in the middle of the night and climbing into bed with us. And, right or wrong, I'm not about to kick him out...just yet. I know, I know, if I let this continue, it may become a pattern, and I will have trouble getting him to sleep in his own bed. I, myself, have warned other parents and my readers of the perils of allowing a pattern of co-sleeping to develop. But, he's my youngest child and my last chance to snuggle before he takes flight, so I'll take my chances.